Saturday, January 26, 2013

Will the moodiness go away???

So... since my last post, I've been much more diligent with checking my BS more regularly, keeping the levels in control and changing my infusion sites when I need to. I've also been more attentive to my moods. How they are, how quickly they change and do my best to figure out why. My research has so far left me confused, saddened and fearful.

I was consistently in a good mood for a few days after the incident because I was so excited with my discovery. As mentioned, I was also making sure that my sugar remained at a good level, supporting my theory that high or uncontrolled blood sugars caused my bad moods and/or mood changes. But then one morning, I snapped. The morning started out with me feeling just fine and happy, but I quickly lost my temper over something with my kids (don't remember what it was) and found myself having a hard time letting go of that anger afterwards. I thought the 'losing my temper' part was normal (I hope), but I can't help wondering if continuing to feel that anger is normal. So, I tested my sugar expecting (and hoping) it was high, to explain these emotions. It was 143, which I consider to be fine. But now I wonder, is it? If it's not significantly high enough to cause these emotions, what's wrong with me?

I don't recall being this way when I was younger. I would've described myself as a very optimistic person. Patient and very nice. I truly believe I was even one of those "too nice" kind of people. And anger was not big in me. Over the years, I've definitely grown less patient, which I simply attribute to "life". But I just can't help feeling that the anger that overcomes me at times isn't "normal". It's so confusing, frustrating and scary. I don't know if there is anything I can do about it. I don't know how to find out. Will I get worse? Is this becoming a part of my everyday personality? If so, can it be reversed? - Yes, this is a horrible thing we diabetics have to deal with, but the mom in me can't help first thinking about how this will affect my kids emotional and psychological development!

In the meantime, I will of course continue to work hard at maintaining my bg levels in control. But, this is so scary. Once again, I come back to saying "I wish there was more info on this". Thank goodness for having means to share and find information more easily now though. I'd feel completely alone and even more lost without finding the few blogs, forums and articles out there referring to this. Here are some:

I identify most with Kelly's post:

Scientific validation:

Forums with worthy mentions:

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